Im in a freaky/scary mood- I feel like watching SCARY STUFF!!!!!!
So this Post is gonna be about....
SCARY STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this Post is gonna be about....
SCARY STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH no i is sooo scared!!!!
LOL- jokes
here are sum freaky pics i found on the internet!!!

Those may not be very scary to you- but they are creepy for me!!!
Ok here r sum vids
This one FREAKS me out- tho the commentary isnt very good
And thats it for videos
Ok... Scariest Movies (well sum1s opinion)
2. Halloween
3. Nightmare on Elm Street
4. Salems lot
5. Blair witch Project
Okk... Scariest story!!!!
Two roommates (and me) lived in the South Carolina countryside. It was a very old farmhouse. Two story wood. On a large piece of property. The events started out friendly enough then over a period of 2-3 months escalated into serious physical damage. It started with objects missing for no reason. Then forks and knives and spoons appearing on the floor. Just laying there. Strange. Like, I would wake up in the morning and find knives or spoons or forks set in a circular pattern on the living-room floor. Then things started to disappear. The can opener. Gone. Looked and looked but never found it. A box of cereal would disappear from the cupboard and we would find it in a bedroom closet. And other stuff just disappeared. More than I can list. It was just plain weird. Lights would shut off by themselves. My radio on my nightstand would just turn off by itself.
One of my roomies had his bedroom on the first floor. One night he woke up and found a man standing over the bed staring down at him. He described the man as tall and bulky with a short haircut. He couldn’t see the features of his face. Then the man spoke. “You feel cold don’t you.” My roommate didn’t reply. He was scared stiff. The man repeated the question. “You feel cold don’t you.”
Two nights later my roommate woke up choking and gasping for air. There was a wool blanket covering his head and he was being smothered…by someone…by something. He fought the thing. He said it was really strong and wouldn’t stop. Finally whatever it was that had a hold of him let go and my roomie twisted out of bed and threw the blanket in the corner. He turned on the light and there was nothing there. The door was closed.
About a week later he woke up in the morning with 2nd degree burns on his arm. We asked him. You didn’t WAKE UP??? He said no. Something happened during the night. We don’t know what it was. The burns looked like when boiling water comes in contact with the skin. But all up and down his forearm. Big water filled blisters. And there were red 1st degree burns as well.
I moved out that same day.
I mean seriously: i think the author said that actually happened!!!!!!!!!
hmm.... i wonder if i have any scary movies!!!
Nxt week its Friday the 13th!!!!
Scary Stuff
Im gonna get ma friend to cum round and we can watch Paranormal Activity!!!!!
Im excited now!!!
I cant wait
Well that was my scary special
MY fav song rite now is
The way you are :Bruno Mars
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
And im sorry but i found this pic and i can't resist putting it on!!!
OMG LOL- just then there was a blowfly and he buzzed really loud next to me annd i didnt have the light on in the room so i didnt kno what it was so i nearly screamed and jumped outta my skin. Tho its just a fly LOL
ReplyDeleteHAHAH.... you seem really into your scary stuff... just to let u know, I dont think paranormal activity was all that scary, probably because everybody told me how frekain scary it was, and then I watched it and was like...oh....what was the OHHH YEAAAH SWEEET!!! thing about?
ReplyDeleteKwl well bye!
bastards... tho i wanna c it :D
ReplyDeleteWhen did u C it????
yeah i LIKE my scary stuff hehe!!!! :D