OMG when was the last time i posted on here????
haha it was AGES ago :D
well nothin much is going on. My house is in the clouds *joy*
so its crap weather here :(
ive got a concert nxt weekend, then another one the weekend after... dance concerts...
Hip hop and contemporary.
i havent got much to say
but i will post again when i do :D
my fav song today is 'Heartbeat' by Enrique Iglesias and Nicole Scherzinger
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ok ive been getting real tree hugger type.
Its kinda creeping me out!
Like :
- if i see someone breaking a branch off a tree i feel really sad (dunno y!)
- if i need to use a few drops of water to wash something or something i dont turn the tap on- i turn the handle so that every 5 seconds a water drop drops so i dont waste water!
- ive got my phone on power saving mode
- if one of the computers isnt being used, i switch it off even tho i mite use it in like 15 mins
- Im using non animal testing products (well ive always done that but now im a little fussier)
- im a vegetarian now
- ive been watching animal planet a lot more!!!!!
yea thats all i cn think of
I best be on my way now...
see ya
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Its kinda creeping me out!
Like :
- if i see someone breaking a branch off a tree i feel really sad (dunno y!)
- if i need to use a few drops of water to wash something or something i dont turn the tap on- i turn the handle so that every 5 seconds a water drop drops so i dont waste water!
- ive got my phone on power saving mode
- if one of the computers isnt being used, i switch it off even tho i mite use it in like 15 mins
- Im using non animal testing products (well ive always done that but now im a little fussier)
- im a vegetarian now
- ive been watching animal planet a lot more!!!!!
yea thats all i cn think of
I best be on my way now...
see ya
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Monday, September 13, 2010
OMG i soo havent posted in a while!
So sorry guys :P
not much is going on at the moment...
My cat is keeping my lap warm by sitting on it and digging his claws into me OW!
Well, my school production is coming up... we are doing the Wizard of NZ.
My teacher wrote it and the scripts funny :D
So i am pretty excited about that!
Right now i am drawing a lady gaga pic that is REALLY hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah... speaking of drawings... I'm gonna change it... since i can't post a new pic each week... im cancelling pic of the week but i will still upload my new pics.
I'm listening to Chris Brown on my computer but i am very annoyed coz someone deleted all of ma songs from my mp3 and computer so i have to re upload everything ERR
I want to write a poem.... tho i dont kno wat to write and to be honest im not very good... i envy a specific friend who has a freakin gift of writing!!!!!
Right now i'm getting very environmental... i can't help it!
I've got vegetarian... ive got my phone on environmental mode (thats when it saves power), i get irritated when i see people destroying trees, im protesting against sow crates, i feel sick at the sight of meat... I cant help it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 weeks until the school holidays!
OK... here is my fav piece of poetry...
If i could be anything belonging to you,
I'd be your tear
Be born in your eye
Live on your cheek
And die in your lips
Very beautiful isnt it?
Well i've got a college orientation day tommorrow!
I can't wait for next year! Though im sad bout leaving my current school... D:
Here's sum rabbit pics!
And i HAVE to put this one on it soooo cutte!!! :D
My fav song right now is Cinderella Man by eminem
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
WOW i havent posted in long time hehe sorry
Well this post is gonna be bout top 5 things!!!!!
Top 5 songs that make me cry
- Wild Bill Jones
- Beth (glee)
- Bella's Lullaby
- Hey there Delilah
- White Demon Love Song
My top 5 fav songs
- Crossfire
- You're a jerk
- Promiscuous Girl
- Dynomite
- Pass out
Top 5 fav movies
- Avatar
- Edward Scissorhands
- Twilight
- Boy
- Step up
5 funniest movies
- Shawn of the Dead
- Rhys Darby Imagine that
- Death at a Funeral
- Boy
- There's something about Mary
5 funniest TV show
- Black Books
- Family Guy
- Little Britain
- South Park
- The Soup
5 awesomest singers
- Lady Gaga
- JB (ha sam! inside thing lol)
- Justin Timberlake
- Muse
- B.O.B
5 awesomest dancers
- Andy *
- Jabbawockeez
- Channing Tatum
- MJ
- Chris Brown
that's all i can b stuffed with rite now
* BTW Andy is this AMAZING dancer from youtube!
here is his most amazing vid!!!
Good Night
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Im in a freaky/scary mood- I feel like watching SCARY STUFF!!!!!!
So this Post is gonna be about....
SCARY STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this Post is gonna be about....
SCARY STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH no i is sooo scared!!!!
LOL- jokes
here are sum freaky pics i found on the internet!!!

Those may not be very scary to you- but they are creepy for me!!!
Ok here r sum vids
This one FREAKS me out- tho the commentary isnt very good
And thats it for videos
Ok... Scariest Movies (well sum1s opinion)
2. Halloween
3. Nightmare on Elm Street
4. Salems lot
5. Blair witch Project
Okk... Scariest story!!!!
Two roommates (and me) lived in the South Carolina countryside. It was a very old farmhouse. Two story wood. On a large piece of property. The events started out friendly enough then over a period of 2-3 months escalated into serious physical damage. It started with objects missing for no reason. Then forks and knives and spoons appearing on the floor. Just laying there. Strange. Like, I would wake up in the morning and find knives or spoons or forks set in a circular pattern on the living-room floor. Then things started to disappear. The can opener. Gone. Looked and looked but never found it. A box of cereal would disappear from the cupboard and we would find it in a bedroom closet. And other stuff just disappeared. More than I can list. It was just plain weird. Lights would shut off by themselves. My radio on my nightstand would just turn off by itself.
One of my roomies had his bedroom on the first floor. One night he woke up and found a man standing over the bed staring down at him. He described the man as tall and bulky with a short haircut. He couldn’t see the features of his face. Then the man spoke. “You feel cold don’t you.” My roommate didn’t reply. He was scared stiff. The man repeated the question. “You feel cold don’t you.”
Two nights later my roommate woke up choking and gasping for air. There was a wool blanket covering his head and he was being smothered…by someone…by something. He fought the thing. He said it was really strong and wouldn’t stop. Finally whatever it was that had a hold of him let go and my roomie twisted out of bed and threw the blanket in the corner. He turned on the light and there was nothing there. The door was closed.
About a week later he woke up in the morning with 2nd degree burns on his arm. We asked him. You didn’t WAKE UP??? He said no. Something happened during the night. We don’t know what it was. The burns looked like when boiling water comes in contact with the skin. But all up and down his forearm. Big water filled blisters. And there were red 1st degree burns as well.
I moved out that same day.
I mean seriously: i think the author said that actually happened!!!!!!!!!
hmm.... i wonder if i have any scary movies!!!
Nxt week its Friday the 13th!!!!
Scary Stuff
Im gonna get ma friend to cum round and we can watch Paranormal Activity!!!!!
Im excited now!!!
I cant wait
Well that was my scary special
MY fav song rite now is
The way you are :Bruno Mars
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
And im sorry but i found this pic and i can't resist putting it on!!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A perfect example
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Pic of the week + news + UWH + Song
this week's pic (sorry its late) is of Nina Dobrev !

Yesterday i had an Under Water Hockey tournament
And i think we came 7th or summink (well my team coz its like only our second time playing it)
And our other schools team came 2nd in the whole thing and won every game of theirs except the final.
It was fun- except that sum girl punched me in the side of the head
that hurt
And i also accidentaly swallowed heaps of water so ive got a sore throat
We won 4 games- lost 2- and tied 1
In the UWH meetings at the pool between games every1 went a little physco and every1 was laughing
At the end my team kept on pushing eachother into the pool- the guys mostly pushed the girls LOL
was so fun!
Well... news this week
1. Angelina Jolie says that she wants to stay home and raise her kids and quits acting!! *GASP*
2. Since Linsay Lohan is in in jail and has to go to rehab afterwards- she might be replaced as the lead in her upcoming movie
3. 'True blood' is spoofing TWILIGHT!
4. cats sweat through the bottom of their paws!
5. cats can be taught to use the toilet
6. Cats born with blue eyes are usually deaf.
My fav song right now is one i heard on c4 and i was like 'HEY I KNO THIS SONG IT USED TO BE MY FAV!'
The song is 'promiscuous girl' by nelly furtardo and timbaland!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!

Yesterday i had an Under Water Hockey tournament
And i think we came 7th or summink (well my team coz its like only our second time playing it)
And our other schools team came 2nd in the whole thing and won every game of theirs except the final.
It was fun- except that sum girl punched me in the side of the head
that hurt
And i also accidentaly swallowed heaps of water so ive got a sore throat
We won 4 games- lost 2- and tied 1
In the UWH meetings at the pool between games every1 went a little physco and every1 was laughing
At the end my team kept on pushing eachother into the pool- the guys mostly pushed the girls LOL
was so fun!
Well... news this week
1. Angelina Jolie says that she wants to stay home and raise her kids and quits acting!! *GASP*
2. Since Linsay Lohan is in in jail and has to go to rehab afterwards- she might be replaced as the lead in her upcoming movie
3. 'True blood' is spoofing TWILIGHT!
4. cats sweat through the bottom of their paws!
5. cats can be taught to use the toilet
6. Cats born with blue eyes are usually deaf.
My fav song right now is one i heard on c4 and i was like 'HEY I KNO THIS SONG IT USED TO BE MY FAV!'
The song is 'promiscuous girl' by nelly furtardo and timbaland!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Friday, July 23, 2010
OMG this song so kwl!!!
Hehe i now luurrvve this song!!!
'You're a jerk' by new boyz
so awesome
such a great song to do jerking to!!!!
I did sum looking on the internet
and i found out that the highest vertical jump in the world was by a chinese acrobat, Yan Zhi Cheng.
He jumped (with no trampoline or assistance) through a hoop of which the lowest point was measured at 246 cm!!!
I mean... WOW!!!!
Sum random dog facts!!!
-The five most common dog names:
Male: Max, Jake, Buddy, Bailey, Sam
Female: Maggie, Molly, Lady, Sadie, Lucy
- Snoopy was a BEAGLE?!
- A dog's temperature is between 100.2-102.8 degrees Fahrenheit (hot eh?)
- dogs wore collars in the Egyptian times
- Dogs have three eyelids!!! They have an upper and lower eyelid and a third one inside of the other two. It helps protect the eye from dirt and dust (weird???)
Apparently... MILEY CYRUS is quitting Hannah Montana- she says she wants to do adult movies and be in the sex scenes (?)
And my fav song at the moment is 'you're a jerk' as i told u about it earlier :)
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
'You're a jerk' by new boyz
so awesome
such a great song to do jerking to!!!!
I did sum looking on the internet
and i found out that the highest vertical jump in the world was by a chinese acrobat, Yan Zhi Cheng.
He jumped (with no trampoline or assistance) through a hoop of which the lowest point was measured at 246 cm!!!
I mean... WOW!!!!
Sum random dog facts!!!
-The five most common dog names:
Male: Max, Jake, Buddy, Bailey, Sam
Female: Maggie, Molly, Lady, Sadie, Lucy
- Snoopy was a BEAGLE?!
- A dog's temperature is between 100.2-102.8 degrees Fahrenheit (hot eh?)
- dogs wore collars in the Egyptian times
- Dogs have three eyelids!!! They have an upper and lower eyelid and a third one inside of the other two. It helps protect the eye from dirt and dust (weird???)
Apparently... MILEY CYRUS is quitting Hannah Montana- she says she wants to do adult movies and be in the sex scenes (?)
And my fav song at the moment is 'you're a jerk' as i told u about it earlier :)
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Ok so i was watching entertainment tonight!!!!!!!!
and u kno the deal with mel gibson and oksana grigorieva?
Well they have a tape with Mel going ballistic and realy mad!!!!
Apparently - he hit her and hit her baby, because he said that she stole money from him.
and..... he punched her in the face so hard she fell onto her bed and then he pressed his forearm against her throat and clamped his hand over her mouth and nose so she could not breathe! and her 12 year old son was in the room!!!1
and then heres an example of the tape recording:
Oksana Grigorieva: You are acting as a crazy man right now. And you have been for many many months. And you hit me and you hit her. While she was in my hands. Mel, you are losing your mind. You need medication.
and theres much more to the tape but it goes on for 6 minutes and its just got heaps and swearing and stuff
so yeah- oh yeah, when oksana was punched in te face she had her baby in her arms
i know!!!!!!
Well my fav song at the moment is Beth by glee (it makes me cry!!!)
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
and u kno the deal with mel gibson and oksana grigorieva?
Well they have a tape with Mel going ballistic and realy mad!!!!
Apparently - he hit her and hit her baby, because he said that she stole money from him.
and..... he punched her in the face so hard she fell onto her bed and then he pressed his forearm against her throat and clamped his hand over her mouth and nose so she could not breathe! and her 12 year old son was in the room!!!1
and then heres an example of the tape recording:
Oksana Grigorieva: You are acting as a crazy man right now. And you have been for many many months. And you hit me and you hit her. While she was in my hands. Mel, you are losing your mind. You need medication.
and theres much more to the tape but it goes on for 6 minutes and its just got heaps and swearing and stuff
so yeah- oh yeah, when oksana was punched in te face she had her baby in her arms
i know!!!!!!
Well my fav song at the moment is Beth by glee (it makes me cry!!!)
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Monday, July 19, 2010
News + horse + sharks!
Hello there!
Our next door neighbours are keeping a horse in our side paddock so i can go over there and visit him.
I think ive told u guys about him before...
Brown horse
his names the boss
he used to be a race horse but then he injured himself in a race and he was neglected and starved
but sumtime soon hes gonna get his feet checked and then after that im allowed to ride him YAY
and i did sum researching on sharks today and i found out sum really intersting facts!!!!
- When a shark eats something that it can't digest (like a turtle shell) it can vomit out its stomach and then pull it back in EW!)
- the first pup to hatch inside a sand tiger shark devours its brothers and sisters until there are only two pups left.
- a cookie cutter shark attacks by attaching its mouth to the victim and carving out a chunk of flesh leaving a circular wound.
- 90% of shark attacks are on guys
- Some sharks can bite hard enough to cut through a thick piece of metal
- Weird things that have been found in shark stomachs include shoes, chairs, the rear half of a horse, a box of nails, a torpedo, drums, bottles of wine, and even a chicken coop with bones and feathers
cool- i am now liking sharks a lot more
NEWS *dun dun DAA*
- Sandra bullock obtains another restraining order against a stalker.
- Ryan Gosling now takes BALLET classes?
- The music vid for 'Baby' (by the one and only Justin Bieber) is the most viewed video on youtube EVER!!!!!!!!
- Pink was flung from a stage like a slingshot whilst performing
- The cast of Jersey shore get $10,000 each per episode and they want more!!!!
My fav song right now is Lucky by Kat Edmonson
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Our next door neighbours are keeping a horse in our side paddock so i can go over there and visit him.
I think ive told u guys about him before...
Brown horse
his names the boss
he used to be a race horse but then he injured himself in a race and he was neglected and starved
but sumtime soon hes gonna get his feet checked and then after that im allowed to ride him YAY
and i did sum researching on sharks today and i found out sum really intersting facts!!!!
- When a shark eats something that it can't digest (like a turtle shell) it can vomit out its stomach and then pull it back in EW!)
- the first pup to hatch inside a sand tiger shark devours its brothers and sisters until there are only two pups left.
- a cookie cutter shark attacks by attaching its mouth to the victim and carving out a chunk of flesh leaving a circular wound.
- 90% of shark attacks are on guys
- Some sharks can bite hard enough to cut through a thick piece of metal
- Weird things that have been found in shark stomachs include shoes, chairs, the rear half of a horse, a box of nails, a torpedo, drums, bottles of wine, and even a chicken coop with bones and feathers
cool- i am now liking sharks a lot more
NEWS *dun dun DAA*
- Sandra bullock obtains another restraining order against a stalker.
- Ryan Gosling now takes BALLET classes?
- The music vid for 'Baby' (by the one and only Justin Bieber) is the most viewed video on youtube EVER!!!!!!!!
- Pink was flung from a stage like a slingshot whilst performing
- The cast of Jersey shore get $10,000 each per episode and they want more!!!!
My fav song right now is Lucky by Kat Edmonson
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
PIc of the week + news + school + video!!!
OK so this weeks pic of the week is my best pic yet!!!
OF Lady GAGA!!!!!!!!!
i really like it :)
Today it was the first day at school
- my teacher threw things at Tom LOL
- there were auditions for the school production
- i found out that im working with the class Freddie (a SA dude named Gian and he looks like Freddie from iCarly and me and my friend hug him and stuff) fro the production
- i got 15 outta 15 in my spelling test
- we r doin the photography club this term!!!!
kwlest vid ever!
its of where i live (a spoof of california gurls)
I think its so awesome!!!!!
news today!!!!
- Oksana Grigorieva has a picture on the internet of chipped teeth and a beat up face. She says Mel Gibson punched her *GASP*
- Pierce Brosnan is selling his Malibu home (how much will the 007 house be?)
- Paris Hilton was found at an airport in france with MARIJUANA in her handbag she says 'I didn't do this! Its a complete misunderstanding'
- A news anchor on the american news said that monkeys were being trained to shoot soilders with pistols, she says right now they are training on bananas and they are being kept in a secret base (is she crazy?)
- And Hello Kitty loses it innocence when lady gaga makes a necklace into "panties"
My fav song right now is 'Pokerface' by Glee
Well bye!
Desperate Housewives is nearly on!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
OF Lady GAGA!!!!!!!!!
i really like it :)

Today it was the first day at school
- my teacher threw things at Tom LOL
- there were auditions for the school production
- i found out that im working with the class Freddie (a SA dude named Gian and he looks like Freddie from iCarly and me and my friend hug him and stuff) fro the production
- i got 15 outta 15 in my spelling test
- we r doin the photography club this term!!!!
kwlest vid ever!
its of where i live (a spoof of california gurls)
I think its so awesome!!!!!
news today!!!!
- Oksana Grigorieva has a picture on the internet of chipped teeth and a beat up face. She says Mel Gibson punched her *GASP*
- Pierce Brosnan is selling his Malibu home (how much will the 007 house be?)
- Paris Hilton was found at an airport in france with MARIJUANA in her handbag she says 'I didn't do this! Its a complete misunderstanding'
- A news anchor on the american news said that monkeys were being trained to shoot soilders with pistols, she says right now they are training on bananas and they are being kept in a secret base (is she crazy?)
- And Hello Kitty loses it innocence when lady gaga makes a necklace into "panties"
My fav song right now is 'Pokerface' by Glee
Well bye!
Desperate Housewives is nearly on!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Today it's Sunday
Tomorrow it's the start of term 3 at school...
But here are some things that I am excited about at school and make me want to go:
- my teacher (we groove out to the song carry out LOL)
- choir, me and my friend danielle rock out at the back and have so much fun (then everyone turns around to look at us)
- we have the school production this term
- rock band
- i wanna see what our topic is for the term
- photography club
- technology (in woodwork we are making... UKELELEs!!!!!!!!!
i think thats it
My best friend came over last night and we acted like spies
like seriously
we dressed in dark blue (black stands out too much)
i was in a tree with binoculars and a bag
my bestie (abby) crept around the house, gathered rocks and threw them at the door so the dog would think that there was someone at the door. By the time abby was near the front door i was creeping round the back of the house
so the dog barked crazily, abby ran away into the tree, the dog was let out so i ran into the kitchen whilst there was heaps of barking and noise and stole the CHOCOLATE. so the dog was too busy barking and did not c me
it was fun :)
then we watched Avatar
and we stayed up until 2
and yeah
I am making up a contemporary dance (just for fun :) to neutron star collision (my 4th fav song)
and here is some news
- Lady Gaga says she writing her BEST song yet!!! (can't wait)
- Robert Pattinson was BITTEN by a lion on his new movie set (possibly Breaking Dawn when Bella has her first hunt)
- There will be a mission impossible 4, played by the AWESOME tom cruise (as always)
- Linsay Lohan is FREAKED out about going to jail for 3 months
- Justin bieber's mum has been asked to pose topless for playboy for $50,000
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Tomorrow it's the start of term 3 at school...
But here are some things that I am excited about at school and make me want to go:
- my teacher (we groove out to the song carry out LOL)
- choir, me and my friend danielle rock out at the back and have so much fun (then everyone turns around to look at us)
- we have the school production this term
- rock band
- i wanna see what our topic is for the term
- photography club
- technology (in woodwork we are making... UKELELEs!!!!!!!!!
i think thats it
My best friend came over last night and we acted like spies
like seriously
we dressed in dark blue (black stands out too much)
i was in a tree with binoculars and a bag
my bestie (abby) crept around the house, gathered rocks and threw them at the door so the dog would think that there was someone at the door. By the time abby was near the front door i was creeping round the back of the house
so the dog barked crazily, abby ran away into the tree, the dog was let out so i ran into the kitchen whilst there was heaps of barking and noise and stole the CHOCOLATE. so the dog was too busy barking and did not c me
it was fun :)
then we watched Avatar
and we stayed up until 2
and yeah
I am making up a contemporary dance (just for fun :) to neutron star collision (my 4th fav song)
and here is some news
- Lady Gaga says she writing her BEST song yet!!! (can't wait)
- Robert Pattinson was BITTEN by a lion on his new movie set (possibly Breaking Dawn when Bella has her first hunt)
- There will be a mission impossible 4, played by the AWESOME tom cruise (as always)
- Linsay Lohan is FREAKED out about going to jail for 3 months
- Justin bieber's mum has been asked to pose topless for playboy for $50,000
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Ok i havent posted in a long time becoz i have had nothing to blog about!!!
btw i know pic of the week is far behind but ive done 3 pics so i need 2 more and then i am gonna publish them all at once
5 things that i have been interested in this week
1. the bp oil leak has stopped leaking YAY!!!! now they are trying to make sure it stays in place.
2. i have been having a TOTAL obsession with vampires (vampire diaries, i made a vampire on oblivion, ive read 2 books about vampires, i found a vampire series at the library which i NEED to get, on a show called supernatural, whenever they have vampires on it i am totally engrossed, i had this RANDOM urge last night to draw a vampire so i did and then i added skulls and crosses around it... creepy?
3. T.I. is gonna do a song with Lady Gaga
4. on ANTM (americas next top model) my fav is erin and she was the best in the comp but then she stated doin bad and i DONT WANT HER TO GO HOME!!!!
5. ive read two books recently and they both have quite sad endings (one finds out that hes a demon, one is a vampire and he realizes that theres nothing he can do to cure himself so he starves becoz he doesnt want to kill humans.
so i will upload pic of the week soon!!!
my fav song this week is take it off by ke$ha
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!!!!
btw i know pic of the week is far behind but ive done 3 pics so i need 2 more and then i am gonna publish them all at once
5 things that i have been interested in this week
1. the bp oil leak has stopped leaking YAY!!!! now they are trying to make sure it stays in place.
2. i have been having a TOTAL obsession with vampires (vampire diaries, i made a vampire on oblivion, ive read 2 books about vampires, i found a vampire series at the library which i NEED to get, on a show called supernatural, whenever they have vampires on it i am totally engrossed, i had this RANDOM urge last night to draw a vampire so i did and then i added skulls and crosses around it... creepy?
3. T.I. is gonna do a song with Lady Gaga
4. on ANTM (americas next top model) my fav is erin and she was the best in the comp but then she stated doin bad and i DONT WANT HER TO GO HOME!!!!
5. ive read two books recently and they both have quite sad endings (one finds out that hes a demon, one is a vampire and he realizes that theres nothing he can do to cure himself so he starves becoz he doesnt want to kill humans.
so i will upload pic of the week soon!!!
my fav song this week is take it off by ke$ha
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
i feel like really bad coz im like 4 weeks overde for pic of the week!!!!!!!!!
anyway these r my 5 fav songs at the moment:
1: neutron star collision - muse
2: i love the way you lie - rihanna / eminem
3: candy - aggro santos / kimberly wyatt
4: i like that - static revenger / richard vission / luciana
5: cooler than me - mike posner
so yeah i just went to see eclipse!!
so far best one of them all!!!!
it stuck to the story really well!!
and they got soo many details right
for example: charlie was drinking the same beer that he had in the first movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very good
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
i feel like really bad coz im like 4 weeks overde for pic of the week!!!!!!!!!
anyway these r my 5 fav songs at the moment:
1: neutron star collision - muse
2: i love the way you lie - rihanna / eminem
3: candy - aggro santos / kimberly wyatt
4: i like that - static revenger / richard vission / luciana
5: cooler than me - mike posner
so yeah i just went to see eclipse!!
so far best one of them all!!!!
it stuck to the story really well!!
and they got soo many details right
for example: charlie was drinking the same beer that he had in the first movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very good
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Social + pic of the week + horse
so on friday it was our school social!!!!
It was sooo much fun!!!!
the theme was masquerade and all the teachers were dressed as waiters.
my friend danielle got award for highest heels!!!!
and then 'carry out' came on and me and miss rongonui ROCKED out and we got it all on video LOL!!!!
then afterwards we went back to danielles house and we got a video of brittany and it is sooo funny!!!!!
we keep on cracking up at it
tho we cant upload it on utube coz im worried my parents wil c it coz its got swearing in it *shhhh!!*
so it was soooo fun!
but that wil b my last social at plim school *tear*
but i enjoyed it!!!!
Im trying to upload the vids but my computer stuffing up!!
Btw im meant to draw pic of the week tonight but i cant find my pencil case EERRRRRRRRRRR!!!1
so im 2 weeks overdue
i know- i suck at sticking 2 it eh?
anddd weve got a horse in our paddock!!!
he used to b a racehorse
but then in a race he injured his leg
then he lost hte race
then his owner neglected him
he got starved
and then people SAVED him
and gave him to our neighbours
but for some reason theyre keeping him in our padock
but hes kwl
his names 'the boss'
and hes brown
sooo yeah
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!!!
so on friday it was our school social!!!!
It was sooo much fun!!!!
the theme was masquerade and all the teachers were dressed as waiters.
my friend danielle got award for highest heels!!!!
and then 'carry out' came on and me and miss rongonui ROCKED out and we got it all on video LOL!!!!
then afterwards we went back to danielles house and we got a video of brittany and it is sooo funny!!!!!
we keep on cracking up at it
tho we cant upload it on utube coz im worried my parents wil c it coz its got swearing in it *shhhh!!*
so it was soooo fun!
but that wil b my last social at plim school *tear*
but i enjoyed it!!!!
Im trying to upload the vids but my computer stuffing up!!
Btw im meant to draw pic of the week tonight but i cant find my pencil case EERRRRRRRRRRR!!!1
so im 2 weeks overdue
i know- i suck at sticking 2 it eh?
anddd weve got a horse in our paddock!!!
he used to b a racehorse
but then in a race he injured his leg
then he lost hte race
then his owner neglected him
he got starved
and then people SAVED him
and gave him to our neighbours
but for some reason theyre keeping him in our padock
but hes kwl
his names 'the boss'
and hes brown
sooo yeah
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Justin bieber special - just perfect for u sam isnt it? (inside thing)
justin Bieber has come a long way....
from One time to Never say Never
Which is why this is a JB special!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY - this is for bibbie and dabble
and his new vid!!!!!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
justin Bieber has come a long way....
from One time to Never say Never
Which is why this is a JB special!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY - this is for bibbie and dabble
and his new vid!!!!!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Video to my bestie... ABBY!
This is a video to my bestie who is moving away soon!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I will post the pic of the week 2mrrw
I love this video soooo much its so funny!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
I love this video soooo much its so funny!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
LOL vid!
OK so i just HAVE to post this video it is sooo funny!!!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Pic of the Week!!
Ok so the previous pic was meant to be for last week because i forgot to do one then so i hav a pic that i drew today for this week!
u know?
from the AWESOMEST NZ film!!!!
Im gonna give it to my teacehr coz she LOOOOOVEESSS the movie so much
Here it is!!!

along with the movie trailer!! (and anufa coz i duno which 1s beta)
And Michael Jackson based Poi E!!
LOL awesome movie! - Meg, Abby, Dabble u HAV to c it!!!
Well bye!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies!!!!
Awesomest dance crew in da WORLD
I am such a big fan right now!!!!!!
They are just so amazing i simply cannot believe it!
Here are some of their vids!
They were even so amazing that they were in Step up 2!
Heres the vid of them in the movie
And here are some other vids!
this dance is AMAZING!!!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies! - wow i feel like dancing now!!!
Awesomest dance crew in da WORLD
I am such a big fan right now!!!!!!
They are just so amazing i simply cannot believe it!
Here are some of their vids!
They were even so amazing that they were in Step up 2!
Heres the vid of them in the movie
And here are some other vids!
this dance is AMAZING!!!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies! - wow i feel like dancing now!!!
Pic of the Week!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Ok so I am changing my blog coz i needed a change from my old one
my old one was at and if u hav missed out on anything you can go back to there and have a look.
If you are new at looking at this blog i draw one pic every week and i post it on this blog.
Except i am running a little late on updating my drawings right now - EEEKK!!!
anyway i named this Blog bunny Binky because my fav thing about my rabbit is that he does binkies! And they are so adorable!!!!
Yep my rabbit is the banner at the top of the page ^^^
but just so you know the edges of the rabbit rnt very good!
I live in NZ
i have a facebook account as Cyan Smith
Thats all i really needed to say
Oh and i mite stuff up on this blog a few times coz i am new!!!
(''')_(''') Bunny Binkies! - my little signature thing!
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